off-RCA x RDLB: Scent Scient

YuanYuan, MIng-Dynasty Courtesan (detial) by Misia O' ©2023

off-RCA x RDLB: Scent Scient
18th October – 22nd October 2023
L’Atelier Des Rives
Galerie Joseph
7 rue Froissart, 75003 Paris
Dates: 18-22/10/23

Exploring the transient nature of beauty, scent and memory. This exhibition seeks to capture the ephemeral nature of scent and beauty through the lens of contemporary photography, moving image, sound, sculptural installations and olfactory art. It aims to create a multisensory experience, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in a world of scented visions. The exhibition is also accessible to sight impaired people. “Scent Scient” is a satellite exhibition presented by off-RCA in partnership with “Rives De La Beauté” 13th Edition in Paris.

off-RCA x RDLB: Scent Scient
Material Bodies by Aastha Patel ©2023

This year, its cultural salon “l’Atelier Des Rives”, the ephemeral concept store and gallery dedicated to perfume and beauty, will once again be located in the Galerie Joseph. The programming includes various cultural events and conferences featuring professionals from the industry, including Scent-Scient by off-RCA, a multi-sensory art and olfactory exhibition event-scent, a perfume literary salon, and conferences led by key figures in the perfume industry. “Scent-scient by off-RCA, 2nd Edition”: a contemporary art exhibition, featuring photography, sculptures, and moving images, enhanced by Misia-O’s scents to complement each artist’s chosen memory.

off-RCA x RDLB: Scent Scient
Till Your Tears Mixed Up With Mine 02 by Wuchao Feng ©2023

This exhibition explores scent as an art form and challenges the perception of scent as a mere cosmetic item. Scent, though invisible, is deeply ingrained in our human DNA and possesses the power to evoke emotions and memories. With this latest edition“Scent-Scient,” the curator Marie Camara, takes a bold step, showcasing the works of seasoned alumni from the prestigious Royal College of Art (RCA) alongside the exhibiting scent creator, Misia-O’. This olfactory artist is a multi-disciplinary individual, using perfumery, photography, film and writing as her medium.

off-RCA x RDLB: Scent Scient
Point of contact by Aastha Patel ©2023

4 artists represented by off-RCA, all alumni of the Royal College of Art (RCA), will be exibiting Limited Editions art pieces evoking their chosen memory.

off-RCA Artists:

Aastha Patel: “Material Memories” @_aastha.p
Misia-O’: “Yuan x : Ming Dynasty courtesan” @misiaophotography
Wuchao Feng: “Till Your Tears Mix Up with Mine” @yuan00yuan
Yuan: “Grand-Ma’s Echo” @yuan00yuan

Art Perfumer/ Nose: Misia-O’

©2023 off-RCA