© Eva Beresin
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Eva Beresin: Shared Fictions
7th September, 2024 – 27th October, 2024
Grabbeplatz 2
40213 Düsseldorf

Eva Beresin (b. 1955 in Budapest, HU) presents her first solo exhibition Shared Fictions with Ruttkowski;68 in Düsseldorf.

Beresin’s paintings depict intimate scenes, each standing on its own yet mutually embedded into a dialogue with each other. There is something eerie about the prematurely aged babies and the curvaceous back of a woman in a room that seems to dissolve. Any kind of event always happens a multitude of times: in its occurrence, initial telling, recording, reconstruction, and repetition.

Image courtesy of Eva Beresin and Ruttkowski;68

In Beresin’s work, this ambiguity of perspectives is marked by a witness – often an animal – gazing directly at the spectator, as if complicit in the delicate scene before them. Is it a blessing, a crime, or a mundane moment?

A large red curtain reveals a chaotic field of vision like a stage curtain suggesting the fictitiousness of historic coherence. The past, present, and future colliding into a sense of an apocalyptic jest. In her sculptures, Beresin picks up elements from her paintings, giving fragments of these shared fictions a physical presence and tangible existence.

Image courtesy of Eva Beresin and Ruttkowski;68

Eva Beresin’s works depict people, often herself, whose bodies are distorted, make grotesque grimaces, and seem to merge with animals, such as birds or frogs – in bizarre ways. Her paintings are rich in detail and often contain subtle cultural references with a strong symbolic power and testify to high thoughtfulness. Many of the paintings also feature a smartphone; themes such as beauty, self-confidence, and self-acceptance are hereby addressed, as well as the processing of her own family trauma. The unimaginable harm that was committed to her parents during the Holocaust is inscribed in her own physical memory and fundamentally present in her artistic practice.

Image courtesy of Eva Beresin and Ruttkowski;68

The works are able to transport an ambivalence, the motifs reflect at the same time something humorous, funny, and unfold on a closer look a melancholic absurdity, an abyss that can be guessed, a multi-layered representation of what the artist is characterized by. Lightness, humor and optimism can be found next to trauma, violence and disorientation in the infinite expanse of one’s own stories, experiences and imprints.

Eva Beresin: Shared Fictions opens on the 7th of September, 2024 until the 27th of October, 2024 at Ruttkowski;68