Kim DeJesus: The Map Home

The Map Home
The Heart and the Map, 2022-2023 Acrylic, oil on canvas

Kim DeJesus: The Map Home
February 22, 2024
Morris Adjmi Architects
60 Broad Street
32nd Floor
New York, NY 10004

The Map Home is a collection of paintings by American artist Kim DeJesus, continuing her exploration of memory and the aspects of life that can be controlled and what cannot. Using additive and subtractive gestures to visualize this tension, DeJesus’s process allows for accidents, discoveries, and an ongoing conversation between the artist, the material, and what appears on the canvas. The spontaneity of the colorful washes stands in contrast to the intentionality of overlaid marks and added materials. Fields of color are manipulated to move, but complete control is not always an option.

Kim DeJesus: The Map Home
The Missing 48 x 56 Acrylic on canvas

For DeJesus, the concept of home is not about a fixed or real place but a map of memories, emotions, and connections to self, family, and nature. The last few years have marked a pivotal stage for the artist, emphasizing the transformative process of losing oneself or a loved one, and discovering that the journey home can also be a process of finding oneself.

Kim DeJesus: The Map Home
The Piano, 2023-2024 Acrylic on Canvas

In this context, The Map Home refers to DeJesus’s experience with painting and her artistic practice as a form of wayfinding. These paintings serve asa memory journey—a map of remembrance and rediscovery.

Kim DeJesus: The Map Home open on February 22, 2024 at Morris Adjmi Architects

©2024 Kim DeJesus