Humanosh Foundation is organizing a charity art auction to raise funds for Ukrainian and Belarusian refugees displaced by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The auction will take place on 20th March, 2024. The #ArtofSupport charity auction features artworks by leading artists from Belarus, Poland and also, for the first time, Afghanistan and the US. Because of the current political situation in Belarus, some of the Belarusian artists decided not to reveal their true names and appear under pseudonyms. Participation under their true name in a foreign auction would mean real danger for them, even for those living in exile abroad.

Artists who have donated their work to the auction include; Agir, Alexandr Adamov, Raman Axionau, Błyskawica, Anastazja Burko-Dziemidziuk, Cemra, Iurii Denysenkov, Mikhail Gulin, Tatiana Kandracienka, Tatsiana Karpachova, Tasha Katsuba, Bartek Kielbowic, Paweł Kowalewski, LEIDIK+ KANAPLEV, Melancholic Macarena, Semyon Motolianiec, Mikhail Mishuk, Rafał Olbiński, Olga Orsik, Ekaterina Pashkevic, Karolina Poliakova, Alena Ptushka, Jennifer Rubio, Ala Savasevich, Igor Savchenko, Sergey Shabohin, Eugene Shadko, Yana Shostak, Antonina Slobodchikova, Sztuczna Inteligencja, Igor Tishin, Raman Tratsiuk, Natali Triash, Aliaksei Wróblewsk and Wille M.
Humanosh Foundation Founder Kasia Skopiec: “Art celebrates the essence of humanity. It is a vital expression of our shared experiences, emotions, and aspirations. Advocating for art is crucial for progress, we cultivate freedom using art, even in societies where democracy is dangerous.This year marks a significant shift as numerous Belarusian artists bravely unveil their creations under pseudonyms. For them, art serves as the sole avenue for candid expression, enabling them to share their perspectives openly. Despite the constant fear of oppression and authoritarian rule, art remains their sanctuary—a space where they can find solace within the turmoil. Let us stand in solidarity with these artists and recognize the profound impact of art in shaping our world, fostering dialogue, and championing freedom of expression.”

A highlight of the charity auction is a unique artwork titled “160224” by acclaimed Polish artist Paweł Kowalewski reimagining of his painting “Mon Cheri Bolsheviq 2005”. The painting depicts Vladimir Putin with a cold, calculating gaze and red, painted lips, as a wakeup call that the world needs to stand up to his dictatorial stance.
Organization of the auction happened not only in the time of the second anniversary of the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine, but also at a time when the world mourns the tragic death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny whilst imprisoned in Russia. These were reasons for choosing Paweł Kowalewski’s “160224” as the auction’s emblem.
Artist Paweł Kowalewski:“He (Putin) will never tire of killing. Don’t just stand there. Don’t just wait. I strongly believe that art can change the world.”
As well as Polish artists including Paweł Kowalewski and Rafał Olbiński joining the #ArtofSupport charity art auction initiative, American painter Jennifer Rubio is participating.
The Humanosh Foundation has helped refugees to start their new lives for many years. When the Humanosh Foundation was originally set up, it helped Tibetan refugees to start again in a new country, often without knowing a foreign language. Refugees often find themselves in a situation with little education, no possibility of working, and unable to speak the language of their new country, which are all obstacles to living a fulfilled life. Humanosh Foundation is there to help refugees rebuild their lives.
In 2021 the foundation rented and redecorated its first Mirnyj Dom (House of Peace) in Warsaw as a shelter for refugees, at that time mostly for Belarusians. The outbreak of war in Ukraine led to the foundation opening three more shelters. The refugees stay in these Houses for a couple of months, during that time volunteers help them to find accommodation, employment, schooling for their children, and assist them with learning a new language.

Furnishing and maintenance of the first Humanosh Foundation House of Peace was funded through a charity auction in February 2021. Subsequent auctions raised further funds, which are essential for the charity to keep the shelters open during a time of inflation and growing living costs. The organizers Humanosh Foundation, Piękna Gallery and integrated marketing agency Communication Unlimited, have since the very beginning paid a lot of attention to the high artistic level of the works. This has been made possible thanks to the selection led by professional curators, co-operation with renowned gallery and trusted auction portals: and
Participation in the auction gives not only the possibility of giving accommodation to many people in need, but also purchasing an attractive piece of art for the price lower than those on standard auctions.
©2024 Humanosh Foundation