Maya Davis and Sofia Bicego Examines The Physical Body as a Currency of Devotion

Maya Davis: The Giving of Taking by maya davis

Graduating Seniors from the College for Creative Studies Maya Davis and Sofia Bicego both examine similar themes of physical and emotional labor and trauma and its impact on the physical body while using contrasting methods and media.

Maya Davis: The Giving of Taking by maya davis
Maya Davis: The Giving of Taking by maya davis

Maya Davis’ Giving of the Taking explores the physical tolls of caring for others through memories left on the body in the form of scars, stains, trauma and bruises. Davis’ multimedia approach symbolizes the physical toll transactional love and labor takes on the body and the limits the body can be pushed to.

The Giving of Taking by Maya Davis
The Giving of Taking by Maya Davis

These languages of love and care morph and change through environmental and circumstantial differences, so the transactions must adapt with them. Her body of work examines how physical and mental ability and illness intertwine themselves with love and labor and the power imbalances that arise and compensate for these changes in physical labor as ways to show care and devotion.

Sofia Bicego The More I Look, The More I Find
Sofia Bicego
The More I Look, The More I Find

Sofia Bicego’s collection of sculpture, installation and drawings investigate the dichotomies of weight and weightlessness, solid and hollow, wet and dry. Materializing emotion and memory into a physical language, the work serves as necessary healing objects and spaces for rest and repair after the labor of processing grief or loss.

Sofia Bicego Form(s) I (2021)
Sofia Bicego Form(s) I (2021)

The intention of the work is to share the commonality of experience, embracing the long-lasting effects of loss and change on the body, mind and spirit. The objects Bicego creates are external demonstrations of the internal, from physical fragments of the body to metaphorical snippets of emotion.

©2022 Maya Davis, Sofia Bicego