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Guts Gallery and Soft Punk Magazine are proud to collaboratively present “It’s 2020 For F*ck Sake”, a thirteen artist, back-to-back solo exhibition marathon, running from 24 September 2020 to 21 December 2020 in a railway arch under Haggerston Station. 

Born from a desire to refuse the conditions of silence, paralysis, and erasure brought on by our current social and political climate, this exhibition series has been conceived as a means of exhibiting some of the most promising practitioners of the new generation, creating space for display, experimentation, and artistic ownership in an otherwise compromising market. 


Actively aware of the scarcity of shows for underrepresented emerging artists, each artist exhibiting has been given full license over the space. However, this is an exhibition marathon founded in community — while each artist has a solo show, the broader ethos is one of collaboration, accessibility, progress, and collective shouldering of one another.

Exhibiting Artists

Corbin Shaw, Elsa Rouy, Ruby Dickson, Andrew Hart, Olivia Sterling, Lucia Ferrari, Sophie Vallance, Douglas Cantor,  Kemi Onabule, Kate Burling, Salomé Wu, Victoria Cantons, Miranda Forrester


Corbin Shaw ‘ConTender’ PV – Thur 24th Sept 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 28th Sept

Ruby Dickson – ‘Working, As One Intended’ PV – Thurs 8th Oct 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 12th Oct

Olivia Sterling – ‘It Clings Like a Leech’ PV – Thur 22nd Oct 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 26th Oct

Sophie Vallance – ‘Peeka-fuckin-boo’ PV – Thur 5th Nov 6-9pm
Continues Until – Mon 9th Nov

Kemi Onabule – ‘Arrival on the Beach’ PV Thur 19th Nov 6-9pm
Continues Until – Mon 23rd Nov

Salomé Wu – ‘Ode to Oaths’ PV – Thur 3rd Dec 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 7th Dec

Miranda Forrester – ‘Abode’PV – Thur 17th Dec 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 21st Dec

Elsa Rouy – ‘Plastic Doesn’t Sweat’PV – Thur 1st Oct 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 5th Oct

Andrew Hart – ‘Run the Box’ PV – Thur 15th Oct 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 19th Oct

Lucia Ferrari – ‘Queer, Me: The Confessional’ PV – Thur 29th Oct 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 2nd Nov

Douglas Cantor – ‘Horses and Nudies’ PV – Thur 12th Nov 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 16th Nov

Kate Burling – ‘Eclipse of a Dodgy Lamp’ PV – Thur 26th Nov 6-9pm Continues Until – Mon 30th Nov

Victoria Cantons – ‘Champagne Tastes on Beer Money’ PV – Thurs 10th Dec 6-9pm
Continues Until – Mon 14th Dec


Buying art from living artists who are challenging societal issues is participating in progress. Does the artwork you buy represent values held by a previous generation or are you joining us in building new potential? 

Feel free to contact Ellie to receive the online catalogue link of each solo show. Please note each artist’s catalogue will be released on their Private View day. You can still get in touch now if you are interested in an artist and we will get back to you on the day of their Private View. 

Instagram DM: @guts_gallery 


We believe that everybody should be able to afford artwork and start a collection. This is why we have offered each artist the opportunity to create a multi-editioned print or smaller work for sale alongside their exhibitions, made available to visitors at an affordable price. These can be found in the catalogue.


In order to ensure that all visitors feel welcome in the exhibition space, we have taken a number of steps to ensure wider accessibility, including allowing for free admission, confirming disability access, making all press releases available in a minimum of 6 languages, offering non-alcoholic beverages – (alongside a “bring-you-own” policy for alcoholic drinks), and extending opening hours to include Sundays. 

It is not too much to ask that art be made available to be seen and understood. We hope these steps bring us closer to what we believe ought to be basic standards in the art world.


The artworld is lagging. Together, Guts Gallery and Soft Punk believe it is important to challenge traditional gallery models by employing the innovative practices of other industries to adapt to our current climate.

​We are excited to announce that all exhibitions will be available in complete, interactive VR, courtesy of Custorian, a London-based creative firm who present thought-provoking contemporary art as museum-quality online exhibitions. As we figure out our volatile moment, we are ensuring access to artists’ work, regardless.


Each artist will choose 20 songs each to add to the It’s 2020 FFS Playlist. For the length of their exhibition, the space is theirs, so we’re listening to what they want.


Open Friday – Sunday 10 – 6pm Monday – 10 – 1pm

Dates – 24 September 2020 to 21 December 2020

Address – Unit 313, Frederick Terrace, E8 4EW, London, UK