Red and black African wax print to mourn our loss and celebrate their life. The original piece will be sent to George Floyd’s family, all proceeds will be split equally between the artist and a donation to George’s family. The Limited Edition portrait, of 150 prints in three sizes will be exclusively available through Blank White Space from Saturday 6th June 2020. Prices starting from £150.
Raphael has been taking over the Blank White Space Instagram feed throughout the week to show the progress of his piece each day.

“Black people should not be seen or treated as if they are not human and not part of this society…
I am black, I will always be black, it is never wrong to be black”
Raphael Adjetey Adjei Mayne
HAS TO STOP by Raphael Adjetey Adjei Mayne
Details of the print
There will be 50 limited edition giclee prints available in three sizes:
Large – 830 x 560 mm / edition of 50 – £400
Medium – 565 x 375 mm / edition of 50 – £300
Small – 395 x 270 mm / edition of 50 – £150

About Artist
Raphael collects youthful patterns and fabrics from villages in Ghana to create dynamic portraits. Based on childhood memories, Raphael uses storytelling to compare past and present. Originally from Ghana, he exhibits his work in New York and San Francisco and lives in Cologne, Germany. His work can be found in the MuCEM Collection, Marseille.
©2020 Raphael Adjetey Adjei Mayne