BAD+ Art Fair

BAD+ Art Fair
Photo Artiste Associe Bordeaux art

BAD+ Art Fair
Bordeaux + Art + Design SECOND EDITION
4 TO 7 MAY 2023

BAD+ Art Fair (Bordeaux + Art + Design) is the first international fair in the famed wine-growing region. The leading event establishes a new international art and design week in Bordeaux, and celebrates the links between art, design and ‘art de vivre’.

Founded by Jean-Daniel Compain, who previously oversaw FIAC and Paris Photo, and Beam (Bordeaux Events and More), BAD+ was founded around the idea that art and culture are an extraordinary engine for economic development and to address aesthetic, societal and economic issues of our time. The fair and its wider programme invites collectors and the public to discover major works in a unique setting.

BAD+ Art Fair
Photo Artiste Associe Bordeaux art

BAD+ therefore brings together contemporary art, design, for all audiences, art lovers and collectors alike, French and foreign.’ – Jean-Daniel Compain, Founder and General Curator of BAD+ Art Fair

For its second edition, BAD+ will bring together a selection of established and emerging international galleries and create a space that encourages encounters and creates a dialogue between disciplines and trends. Work by major French and international artists will be shown alongside some of today’s most exciting talent capturing the contemporary zeitgeist. The fair will also include work that interrogates some of the key issues of our time, feature contemporary collectible design and highlight Spanish art, welcoming galleries showcasing the dynamism of a rich and abundant scene.

BAD+ Art Fair thus offers an original model of a fair, offering a true vision of the market, under different perspectives and with a more convivial and flexible atmosphere, where the quality of the program and the exchanges have a predominant position as well as the economic considerations. – Adrien de Rochebouët, Artistic Advisor of BAD+ Art Fair

This year, BAD+ will feature collaborations with leading auction house Artcurial as well as continue its innovative programme with law firm Barnett Avocats, which supports collectors and business leaders to develop their interest in art and collecting, and support artists. Bordeaux has been forging a reputation for its thriving arts scene which includes MÉCA, contemporary art centre CAPC and the Musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design (MADD). The main fair which takes over the entirety of Hangar 14, a remarkable industrial venue on the banks of the Garonne River, will be accompanied by a rich off-site programme which celebrates the links between art, design and lifestyle.

The ‘Art in the City and in the Vineyards’ programme will take place throughout Bordeaux paying tribute to the richness of this unique region known for its 18th and 19th century architecture, museums, cuisine and legendary wine estates, guardians of a unique French way of life and which is much sought-after by tourists and collectors from around the world.

BAD+ Art Fair, 2023 Edition Highlights

Leading French and international figures

Encouraging artistic dialogue between generations and mediums,BAD+ Art Fair presents key artists of the French and international scene. A Parisian gallery founded by Stéphane Corréard and Hervé Loevenbruck, Loeve&Co (Paris) presents a selection of key figures from the 20th century avant-garde, such as Arman (1928-2005), Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) and Dora Maar (1907-1997).

Specialized in post-war and contemporary art, the Ingert gallery (Paris) presents international artists such as Takesada Matsutani, the last master of the Gitai movement, as well as works on paper by Sam Szafran, and works between construction and deconstruction of the form by Patrick Saytour and Christian Bonnefoi.

Galerie Sarto (Paris), dedicated to modern artists and post-war abstract painting, presents Pino Manos, a central figure in the development of Italian Rigorismo. Based in Paris and a reference for minimalist artists of the second half of the 20th century and emerging artists, ETC gallery (Paris) presents in particular leading American painter Charles Pollock.

BAD+ Art Fair
Vue d’installation BAD+ Art Fair 2022 Photo Artiste-Associe Bordeaux

Committed to photographers, designers and visual artists who explore the dimensions of the photographic medium, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (Paris, Geneva) presents Albarrán Cabrera, Catherine Henriette and Thomas Jorion.

Internationally recognized as a reference in the field of art brut, Christian Berst gallery (Paris) presents works by Japanese artists Masaki Mori, Momoko Nakagawa, Hideaki Yoshikawa and Kunizo Matsumoto.

The Rabouan Moussion gallery (Paris) presents a selection of paintings, photographs and major sculptures by Erwin Olaf, a major Dutch photographer, in dialogue with JonOne and Mehdi-Georges Lahlou.

A focus on Spanish creation

The 2023 edition of BAD+ Art Fair presents a new focus on art from Spain, offering a look at major galleries in cultural and geographical proximity to the Bordeaux area and engaged in an important international development. Barcelona’s emblematic gallery of modern and contemporary creation, the Joan Gaspar Gallery (Barcelona) presents works by Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro, major representatives of Twentieth-Century painting, alongside contemporary Spanish painters: Antoni Tapies, Eduardo Arranz-Bravo, Joan Pere Viladecans and Antoni Clavé i Sanmarti.

Pigment Gallery, a gallery based in Barcelona and Paris, presents a series of historical and unpublished sculptures and paintings by the international French artist Michel Anasse, in dialogue with the works of Rosa Galindo, Manu Vb Tintoré and Julio Vaquero.

Madrid-based Rafael Pérez Hernando Gallery will present three major artists of the second half of the 20th century: Colombian artist Beatriz Olano, Spanish painter Julian Gíl, and Claude Viallat, French master from the Support Surface movement.

Álvaro Álcazar, a gallery based in Madrid, presents work by German painter Peter Krauskopf, as well as a selection of artists from the Iberian region, including Eduardo Arroyo and Jose Cháfer.

BAD+ Art Fair
BAD+ Art Fair – Hangar 14, Photo Artiste Associé Bordeaux

Mapping the contemporary zietgeist

BAD+ Art Fair is dedicated to showcasing and supporting the work of today’s most innovative young and emerging artists and galleries. A leading player in the vanguard of Parisian galleries, Anne-Sarah Bénichou’s presentation will exclusively be devoted to emerging female figures: Mireille Blanc, Juliette Minchin and Massinissa Selmani.

Galerie Sator will present works by artist-researcher Raphaël Denis shown for the first time, in dialogue with the work of visual artists Gabriel Leger and Trúc-Anh and photographer Evangelia Kranioti. Galerie Bessières (Paris) will present discoveries in France, young artists in the making or great figures of art rediscovered: Hala Schoukair, Frédéric Prat, Serge Najjar and Pierre Tual.

Committed to young emerging artists, Dix9 gallery (Paris), will exhibit two young creators: Leyla Cardenas, visual artist and rising figure of the Colombian art scene, in dialogue with drawings, photographs, sculptures and poems by Louisa Marajo.

A young and dynamic gallery from Bordeaux with a growing community of artists, ART’GENTIERS gallery will present a series of sculptures made by Esteban Ricard on the forecourt of Hangar 14. Initiated in 2014, the Totem series gives shape to ocean plastics collected from beaches.

A project space dedicated to supporting international young and emerging artists through fresh, vibrant and engaged exhibition programmes, Hatch (Paris) presents three young European multidisciplinary artists: Maria Appleton (b. 1997, Portugal), Kara Chin (b. 1994, UK and Singapore) and Thomas Van Rijs (b. 1986, Netherlands).

Capturing the evolution of society

BAD+ Art Fair will feature works that interrogate some of the major contemporary issues facing society today. A2Z Art Gallery (Paris) presents works by Bao Vuong, Etsu Egami, Danhôo, Ma Desheng, Emeric Chantier, Shiori Eda, Nge Lay and Aung Ko questioning a diversity of points of view around a globalized society.

Gallery Soview (Accra, Ghana), a recent addition to international fairs, will present paintings and sculptures by Daouda Traoré, Tesprit, Appolinaire Guidimbaye/DOFF and Sébastien Boko, to question societal issues by working with original materials that are often non-academic and unconventional. Works will address crucial issues of our time: inequalities, individualism, collective responsibility and sustainability.

A selection of contemporary collectible design

Mia Karlova is a leading international gallery for contemporary collectible design based in Amsterdam, highlighting functional sculpture, blending design and contemporary art. At BAD+ Art Fair 2023, the gallery will present circular design pioneer Vadim Kibardin, as well as Jordan van der Ven and Sho Ota.

Galeria Modernista, founded in 2018 in Rio de Janeiro and based in Bordeaux, will offer a selection of collectible furniture composed of works by the most important names in Brazilian design from the second half of the twentieth century.

On the occasion of BAD+ 2023, Galeria Modernista proposes a dialogue between the two most important Carioca designers, Joaquim Tenreiro and Sergio Rodrigues, each conveying two visions of Brazilian modernism. A leading contemporary design gallery based in Bordeaux, Galerie Revel will present works by Anton Laborde, Matang and Aro Vega.


©2023 BAD+ Art Fair