Artfinder Plants 25,000 Trees With Ecologi

Artfinder Plants 25,000 Trees With Ecologi
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Online art marketplace Artfinder celebrates 25,000 trees planted since the business launched its partnership with climate action social enterprise Ecologi in November 2020. Artfinder plants a tree for every artwork sold through the platform. To celebrate B Corp Month in March, Artfinder will commit to planting five trees for every artwork sold in the month.

Artfinder Plants 25,000 Trees With Ecologi

This moment represents a key milestone in Artfinder’s pledge to making a positive long-term impact on the environment as a Certified B Corp business, with a projected 100,000+ trees to be planted in 2021. 25,000 trees planted puts Artfinder in the top 30 businesses on Ecologi’s tree planting leaderboard. Tree planting is one of a number of initiatives that the marketplaces is taking this year to deliver a positive impact not just for its community of independent artists, but also the environment as a whole.

Artfinder Plants 25,000 Trees With Ecologi

Ecologi works with The Eden Reforestation Project to plant millions of trees around the world each month. Current projects include planting 2 million mangrove trees in Madagascar, reforesting in Mozambique and Dalry in Scotland.

Artfinder Plants 25,000 Trees With Ecologi
Artfinder team tree planting with Trees for Cities in 2019 in Beckton, London

Artfinder’s CEO Michal Szczesny, comments: ‘We became a B Corp to truly do business differently, with regard for our impact on people and on the planet and what better time to step up that impact than B Corp Month. We believe that as customers become increasingly aware of everyone’s responsibility to shop ethically and protect the planet, they will vote with their feet for businesses who are seriously committed to making a positive impact.’

Ecologi’s Business Development Director, Dennis Hettema, comments: “We’re excited to join forces with Artfinder in the fight for our planet and our collective future. The ability to enjoy art and plant a forest at the same time was instantly appealing, a creative yet completely logical use of our APIs. We’re looking forward to rewilding the planet together!”

Artfinder also has a partnership with charity, Trees for Cities, through which the Artfinder team have planted 250+ trees around London in 2019. The largest online marketplace for art, Artfinder is a VC funded startup, backed by the investors behind Spotify and Zoopla. Investors include Wellington Partners, Oxford Capital, Cambridge Angels, plus private investors in the UK, the US and Switzerland. In August 2019, Artfinder became the art world’s first B Corp, solidifying its commitment to its values to support artists and make art affordable and accessible. Visit Artfinder’s Ecologi profile here.

©2021 Artfinder, Ecologi